learn chess
The artistic way
· Do you like chess and art?
• Do you want to win more of your games?
• Do you want to improve your tactics?
• Do you want to learn about the Sicilian?
• Do you want to read inside stories about the Polgar Sisters, Viktor Korchnoi and Bobby Fischer?
If your answer is yes to any of these questions,
this book is for you!

Sofia Polgar:
Amazing Artist - Dangerous Tactician
288 pages
From Susan Polgar’s Foreword:
“You are invited to enjoy the experience of the wonderful legacy
of Sofia’s amazing chess career and art.”
From Judit Polgar’s Foreword:
“I wish the readers a pleasant journey on this artistic excursion that provides
great chess lessons while also offering nourishment for the soul.”
Order your copy on Amazon or Barnes & Noble

My collection of chess games and visual art was selected with the purpose of passing on my love for the game, showing its aesthetic side with easy-to-understand explanations and inspiring players of all ages to think creatively. It is also my way of reaching out to people who like paintings and inviting them to appreciate the world of chess.
A few things computers cannot take away from humans is the thinking process, the joy of creativity and our ability to enjoy a fine piece of art. The way I see it, the Arts include chess puzzles and studies: tactics with beautiful combinations and well-planned strategies. Chess art may be created by brilliant study composers, as well as the play of excellent sportsmen, masters and grandmasters.
Chess is a lot like music: it can be enjoyed on so many different levels. When you start understanding the patterns and play the tunes – and in the case of chess, the moves – you acquire a new perspective about appreciating its inherent harmony. Learning to play an instrument is still on my bucket list, but I had already started learning the tactical patterns of the sixty-four squares by age four. In one way or another, chess has been a part of my life since then.
After a competitive chess career that spanned more than twenty years, I have spent years teaching club players. I have given private lesson, taught small groups and also larger classrooms in schools. This teaching experience gave me the tools to create learning materials for children and teachers. It has given me great satisfaction knowing that, each year, thousands of children learn from the books which I have created together with my sister Judit.
As I reviewed material for inclusion in this book, I realized how the same patterns are repeated over and over on various levels. I came to the conclusion that the best way to pass on knowledge of tactics through my games is by teaching these chess themes. There is no doubt that you will encounter the topics covered in the upcoming chapters in your own games.
Learn and enjoy! Or even better: Enjoy and learn!
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